Welcome to CATCAKES! Woah! Did the index get a haircut or something? There's something different about this place...anyways, let's take a look at it together!


If you're new here, welcome! If you've been here before, welcome back!! It's nice to see you again!

CATCAKES is Telle's (that's me!) space on the internet to express herself and run to when things get dicey. In a time where the internet has become more uncertain and scarier than ever, it's nice to have somewhere to run to.

CATCAKES is coded with the webmaster's own two paws and may not appear the same on all devices. Please enjoy exploring the site!

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watching: RTGame's Minecraft Let's Play
playing: Animal Crossing: New Leaf & The Great Ace Attorney
feeling:The current mood of mewlancholy at www.imood.com

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